Go Share

In Acts 2 we read how the church generously shared  their goods and service with each other so that no one was in need.  We desire to cultivate a spirit of generosity.  This is our opportunity to practice community by learning to give and receive freely.

Listed below are all the most recent posts to the Go Share section starting with the most recent. You can use the menu on the left to sort the entries.

2010 Project List

This 2010 Project List is a guide to help those individuals and congregations looking for specific Go Mission! EMMC ministry areas requiring funding. 2010 Project List landscape with verse bw 2010 Project List landscape with verse 2010 Project List with … Continue reading

A Missional Church Fieldbook

This past weekend, General Council (GC) members took home draft copies of “A Missional Church Fieldbook”.  Some have already started along the journey and are being challenged as they read! By the way, Len was a guest presenter at the … Continue reading

Flooding in Mexico affects translation workers

Chris and Elaine Hurst are associate missionaries with EMMC under Wycliffe Bible Translators, and are currently living in Abbotsford BC. They continue to oversee the translation project on-going in Mexico. The individuals mentioned below are members of their translation team. … Continue reading

An admirer or a disciple?

At SBC’s last leadership conference, Greg Ogden raised the question of whether we were admirers of Jesus only or truly disciples.  I just read a story that illustrates this pretty well. It is retold in David Augsburger’s book Dissident Discipleship … Continue reading

Harms & Kehlers getting ready for Belize

Diedrich and Judy Harms, Leadership Training / Evangelist will be in Blue Creek, Belize later this fall, ministering to the church there. Judy will be ministering to various ladies groups, and Diedrich will be conducting services for the larger congregation … Continue reading