Who is Region 6
This an exciting group of churches in one of our warmest regions. Although the churches have similar roots they are really quite unique in terms of history. These churches are actively planting two churches into Mexico South.

John Krahn
Blue Creek EMMC [email protected]
Henry Redekopp
Gospel Fellowship Chapel, Shipyard [email protected]
Albert Reimer
Spanish Lookout EMMC [email protected]Church Locations
Mail: Box 2 Blue Creek
Orange Walk, Belize C.A.
Phone: (011-501) 323-0052
Fax: (011-501) 323-0453
Email: [email protected]
Diedrich Dyck, Lead Pastor
John Krahn, Associate Pastor
Blaine Dueck, Youth Pastor
Ed Toews, Music/Worship Pastor
Colonia Del Valle EMMC
Mail: Calle 3 MZ 110 LT30
Col. La Herradura
Othon P Blanco 77000
Chetumal, Quintana Roo
Gospel Fellowship Chapel (Shipyard)
Camp 5, Shipyard
Mail: PO Box 209
Orange Walk, Belize C.A.
Henry Redekopp, Lead Pastor
Hopelchen EMMC
Mail: Apartado Postal 10
Hopelchen Campeche, Mexico CP 24600
Franz Friesen, Lead Pastor
Route 35W
Mail: Box 552
Spanish Lookout, Belize C.A.
Albert Reimer, Lay Minister
Ben Friesen, Youth Leader
Region 6 Committee/Council
If you are part of the Region 6 Council, please click here for documents.