Who is Region 4?
The beautiful landscape of Southern Ontario is the home of four EMMC churches. The early years of this Region started with ministry to Low German seasonal workers, newcomers to Canada. As many of them stayed in the area and made Ontario their home, the ministries grew, meeting the needs of new believers. At any church gathering, you will hear conversations in English, Low German and Spanish! These churches seek to minister to all who need to hear the Good News of Christ.

John Dyck
Leamington EMMC [email protected]
Michael Krahn
Aylmer EMM Church [email protected]
John Wall
Aylmer EMMC [email protected]Church Locations
50619 Talbot Line
Mail: Box 234
Aylmer ON N5H 2R9
Phone: (519) 773-3374
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.aemmc.ca
Michael Krahn, Lead Pastor
Abe Harder, Associate Pastor
Willy Fehr, Associate Pastor
Ron Zacharias, Youth Pastor
Worship Service (English): Sundays at 10:30am
Worship Service (German): Sundays at 9:00am
Sunday School: Sundays at 9:00am (Sept-June)
German Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Moms & More: Wed 9:30am, bi-weekly (Sept-June)
Jolt (Grades 7-8): Thursdays at 7:00pm (Sept-June)
Impact (Grades 9-12): Thurs at 7:00pm (Sept-June)
Prayer Meeting: Saturdays at 7:00am
Jugend (German Youth, ages 14+): Tues at 7:30pm
Freedom Session: Wed at 6:30pm (Sept-May)
Seniors event: Thursdays at 2:30pm (2nd Thurs)
Blenheim EMM Church
425 Catherine Street
Mail: Box 1799
Blenheim ON N0P 1A0
Phone: (519) 676-1411
Fax: (519) 676-1411
David Fehr, Lead Pastor
Worship Service: Sundays at 10:45am
Sunday School: Sundays at 9:30am
- Sunday School is in both English and German
Youth (ages 14-18): Fridays at 7:00pm, bi-weekly
1408 Deer Run Road
Mail: Box 84 Stn Main
Leamington ON N8H 3W1
Phone: (519) 326-9734
Fax: (519) 326-1299
Ike Unger, Lead Pastor
Peter Klassen, Youth Pastor
Annie Bergen, Children’s Ministry Director
Worship Service (German): Sun at 9:15am
Worship Service (Eng): Sun at 9:15am & 10:45am
Sunday School: Sun at 9:15am (Sept-June)
Bridge (Junior Youth, Gr 6-8): Fri at 7:00pm
Echo (Senior Youth, ages 14-18): Wed at 7:00pm
Pursuit (Singles, ages 18-30): Wed at 7:00pm