Education and Training / Outreach Initiatives Fund

If you need financial resources for your education, outreach initiative or capital project, here are some funding sources that may help you meet your objectives. Email any questions to [email protected].

Students attending congregations within our family of churches and are pursuing continuing education are eligible to receive financial support. Education Fill_in_Form_2015 is for people attending approved colleges and universities.

Outreach and Programs – This funding is for your outreach or programming that might need an extra little boost of operational funding. This could include stuff or staff to help create better spaces for interactions with people and the Holy Spirit. This could expand your current budget or provide short-term funding for new initiatives. Just ask.
Outreach Initiatives application

Builders Fund Application is to assist member congregations with capital purchases, building new or renovating current structures. Builders Fund Application Form could pay up to half of the cost of the project to a maximum of $25,000 as a grant to the congregation. This grant cannot be used to cover current deficits.

Complete appropriate application and submit:
By regular mail: 757 St. Anne’s Road, Winnipeg MB R2N 4G6
By email: [email protected]
By fax: 204.256.7384