Gathering 2013 Special Offering

Gathering 2013 Special Offering

Helping each other love our new neighbours in Southern Alberta, Storm Lake Iowa, Veracruz Mexico, Durango Mexico, and Bolivia.

Loving neighbours is about creating relationships of care. The focus of our gifts at this Gathering will be on helping specific people and churches in their ministry of sharing the good news of Jesus with their new neighbours. Our goal is to raise $45,000 through the offerings on Friday and Saturday night and the designations through our worship services on Sunday morning.

Southern Alberta – $10,000
Many of us came to know Christ and were discipled through church planting efforts in Southern Ontario and different regions in the United States. Loving our new neighbours by sharing the gospel and assisting in establishing a church has been part of the EMMC/Go Mission! story for years. We join hands with the new church in Vauxhall, Alberta as it reaches out to the many newcomers in the area, especially as it seeks to respond to the youth that often congregates in large, destructive parties.

Storm Lake, Iowa – $10,000
We are thrilled by the intentional move this church recently made by relocating to Storm Lake to reach more of their “new Latin neighbours”. By God’s grace, people are responding to the gospel and are being discipled. Presently the congregation is renting space for worship meetings but land has been purchased and plans are to start building soon. We are excited to help the people of this church in this vision of reaching their new neighbours with the good news of Jesus.

Veracruz, Mexico – $10,000
Six years ago John Wall moved to Mexico to help his dad in church planting and some economic development. Today John is providing pastoral care and leadership to a group of churches in the beautiful mountain region of Veracruz. We are thankful for this opportunity to participate in what God is doing in and through this family of churches as they reach out to their neighbours in loving service.

Hope for Children through Education – $15,000
Over the years we have brought hope to families in Mexico, Bolivia and Belize by providing Christ-centered education. Most of these schools have become self-supporting and continue to impact over 900 children a year. We are helping with teacher salaries for schools in Villa Nueva, Bolivia and Durango, Mexico.

Make cheques payable to EMMC or Go Mission!
757 St. Anne’s Road, Winnipeg Manitoba R2N 4G6  CANADA


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